terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2020

Using AntRun to run a Maven plugin on multiple files (if the plugin only allows 1 file at a time)

So, i was dealing with a plugin the other day that did not allow multiple declaration of files. Then i figured that Maven has a Maven run, that allows us to code a script to do it.



          <target name="Generate Joynr Java artifacts from FIDL files">
            <apply executable="mvn" parallel="false">
              <arg value="io.joynr.tools.generator:joynr-generator-maven-plugin:generate" />
              <srcfile prefix="-Djoynr.generator.fidl.file=" />
              <fileset dir="src/main/resources">
                  <include name="**/*.fidl" />

Let me explain a bit of what is happening in the above code: I'm declaring a variable that can be set from the command line environment using -Dvariable=value. Then i proceed to configure all the fixed parameters to the target plugin (in this case joynr-generator-maven-plugin), and then, i configure the Ant Run Plugin to run Maven for each FIDL file that it finds on a particular folder with more advanced filters (include/exclude).

Happy coding!

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